A Hand Full of Stars


$ 17.95

Book Size: 5.5" 8.25"

Pages: 208 Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9781623717124

Imprint: Interlink Books

Edition: 2

Translator: Rika Lesser

Ages: 12

Release date: Fall 2023

Awards: Winner of the Mildred L. Batchelder Award


About this book

Amid the turmoil of modern Damascus, one teenage boy finds his political voice in a message of rebellion that echoes throughout Syria and as far away as Western Europe.

Inspired by his dearest friend, old Uncle Salim, he begins a journal to record his thoughts and impressions of family, friends, life at school, and his growing feelings for his girlfriend, Nadia. Soon the hidden diary becomes more than just a way to remember his daily adventures; on its pages he explores his frustration with the government injustices he witnesses. His courage and ingenuity finally find an outlet when he and his friends begin a subversive underground newspaper. Warmed by a fine sense of humor, this novel is at once a moving love story and a passionate testimony to the difficult and committed actions being taken by young people around the world.
